Spokesperson Videos Grow Your Business
The medium of video is powerful. According to a leading business magazine, video is - and will continue to be - the most dominant form of media there is. Businesses who use video grow revenue 49% faster than companies not using video.
One of the most effective ways of including video on your website is to use a video spokesperson to tell your business story. Whether it’s business news, important information, step-by-step instructions, a company testimonial, or a review, online users will retain more information and gain a stronger impression of your brand when it comes from a trusted spokesperson.
Despite the proven impact of spokesperson videos, most small-to-medium enterprises do not have a spokesperson or the necessary technology to create professional videos that best reflect their brand. Hiring an actor to create a professional spokesperson video for your business is the ideal solution.
Spokesperson videos from Liza Jandolf are filmed in a professional green screen studio and are highly customisable. Any background can be added as well as text such as your name, company name, website URL or other information. Background music and logos can be professionally added for a polished finish.
All videos are provided at the highest possible quality, HD at 1080p, ready for upload to your site.
Contact Me
You can contact Liza Jandolf directly to discuss any customisable projects by completing your information below in the form.